Well, this is the first blog I’ve written in a while. Life as a father and an author is a tough game to play, although I’m managing to write as much as I can and have produced two books last year.
The first book I managed to write in the first half of last year was the sixth book in my Edmonton Police station crime series, which I’ve called THE FIRSTCOMER. Once again the Special Crime Group are tracking down a killer, but this time they have a very large body count right at the start of the book when a mass grave is found on the outskirts of Enfield.
Since DCI Jairus left the team in a dramatic way in the last book, a new SIO has been called in from New Scotland Yard to head the investigation. DCS Phillip Radford, who has little social skills, takes the helm as they follow the bodies that quickly pile up. Radford soon realises that their killer steals the identities of some of his victims. But it soon becomes clear that the killer has a plan to follow which will lead them all towards a terrifying event.
Now back to DCI Jairus, who, as I mentioned above, left the Edmonton team in disgrace in the last book, WHEN THE DEVIL CALLS. He’s back! Jairus is no longer a policeman and is living in a self inflicted personal hell when we join him in JAIRUS’ SACRIFICE. Unable to handle life as a civilian, Jairus has turned to drink, but then he gets the call from a media mogul who wants to investigate a case with the promise that if he solves it, then he’ll get his job back. How could he turn the offer down.
JAIRUS’ SACRIFICE is a big departure from Jairus’ previous Edmonton cases, and finds him travelling back into his own past and clashing with a conspiracy of evil.
Hopefully Jairus will be back later in the year, shortly after THE FIRSTCOMER, the 6th Edmonton Police Station thriller is published.
I’m also in the planning stages of the 7th Edmonton police station thriller, which will be strikingly different to all the others, but no less gripping- I hope!
Thanks for reading.